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" I am neither especially clever nor especially gifted. I am only very very curious" - Albert Einstien. I honestly think life is an eternal quest of knowing oneself. As I try my hands on various recipes, I am trying to rediscover my hidden traits and talents. I have immense pleasure sharing it to the world and say 'if these recipes worked for me, it would certainly work for you as well'. I am sure the journey of thousand miles should begin with the first step. Now I have taken my first step towards writing this blog and hope to keep it going with all of your support and motivation. All my readers, I would like to thank you very much for visiting my blog and making use of them to the fullest. Good luck!

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pasta with Onions, Peppers, and Herbs!

Pasta Sauteed with Onions, Peppers and Herbs
Herbs are rich in minerals and Antioxidants. Their fragrance will say pick me now...I grow Basil, Rosemary, Sage, Oregan and Mint in my patio. I have to see and smell the fresh plants and it instantly refreshes me even before my morning coffee.. They are so fresh and wonderful to cook:)
Here you go with the recipe:
1) Olive Oil - 2-3 teaspoons
2)Any kind of pasta like Rotini, Farfelle, will work
3) Red crushed pepper - 2 teaspoons
4) Garlic - 2 -3 pods
5)Black pepper - 1 teaspoon
6) Colored peppers ( I used a half packet of the frozen ones)
7) Onions- 1
8) Herbs (Basil, Oregano, Thyme, Rosemary) - chop them tiny - 2 tablespoons
1) Heat the olive oil in the slillet and fry the onion. Wait till it turns golden brown, add the coloured peppers and chopped herbs to it. Add the garlic, red pepper, and black pepper. Finally add the pasta and give it a good toss.
2) Add grated cheese like fresh paremesan, or Mozarella.
Delicious pasta is ready!

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